MSL Blog post

4 ways to identify KOLS and leverage it for your interview

Companies ask for people with an established KOL network, but not everyone has such a network handy. The next best thing is to be knowledgeable about the KOLs in that field. So, get a cup of tea, open Google and let’s find the right KOLs.

1) Google the 4 or 5 major teaching hospitals/centers of excellence...

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5 common MSL interview mistakes

1 – Not fully understanding the MSL role. 

The standard questions you will be asked are: “Could you describe the MSL role? How does it differ to a sales role?  How do you bring value to the HCPs and to the company? Tell us about MSL compliance and ethics?”

2 - Lack of preparation. You...

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Why a technical sales rep role can be a good jumping board to become an MSL!

Last week I spoke to an aspiring MSL, who had recently stared working as a technical sales representative, selling research compounds to researchers and pharma companies.

He asked me if being a technical sales rep is a good job to then move into an MSL role later on?

He had finished his PhD recently. First thing I...

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MSL CV radio silence - I never hear back from them. They only want experienced MSLs!

We hear this every day speaking for the first time to aspiring MSLs on the phone who have been trying to break into the MSL role for months!

"I have submitted 40 CVs/resumes and never heard back. It is true, they only want experienced MSLs!"

Sorry, but I have to be blunt and direct with you. Your CV is just not...

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What degree do I need to have to become an MSL?

Many people ask us what degree do you need to become a Medical Science Liaison (MSL)?

This really depends on the company and country you are in. 

Globally the most abundant background of MSLs are the researchers and the pharmacists. Researchers’ background can be BSc, MSc or PhD. While pharmacists can be...

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Dr J #10 - Reflecting back on my MSL transition and my past career as a researcher

When “from SCIENCE to PHARMA” asked me if I’d write a piece on how my first 2 years as MSL have been, I immediately thought about what a life-changing decision it has been to transition from Academia to Pharma as an MSL. And how much more rewarding and fulfilling the MSL role is than I’d...

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Dr J #9 – I made it to the land of the MSL!

Those of you who have read my blog posts might have wondered where Dr.J went. Wasn’t he on a mission to transition..? Did he lock himself in in the cold room, for a colleague to find him frozen to the floorboards on Monday morning? Go on and do yet another postdoc? Succumb to the challenge..?

No. None of that....

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DR J. #8 - So close to the MSL role....

My brief ‘radio silence’ on the blog has had a cause. After completing multiple interview rounds successfully, I finally had an MSL contract in hand! Yes, indeed a contract! However, I didn’t sign it.

Let me describe how my final interview round unfolded, how great of an experience it was and how...

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DR J. #7 - My MSL interview round 2+

Interview Round 2+

To pick up the thread from my last post: After my initial contact with a recruiter some time ago, I was invited to a next interview round for an MSL role in oncology that  I find tremendously exciting. I was extremely happy, nonetheless, a ‘healthy nervousness’ now descended upon...

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Dr J. #6 - Let's get ready to rumble!!!!

How much can happen in one week, regarding mood swings and career possibilities..? Quite a few things to be honest, but I’ll get to the career options later.

First I want to share something typical with you that I experienced this week, actually a discussion I got into with a colleague. It wasn’t the...

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